  • Flying High

    Filming on location can be a lot of fun, for a number of reasons; Experiencing different people, cultures, cuisine, or perhaps just appreciating a change of scenery and the same ol’ daily routine. For as long as I can remember,…

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    6 3568

    Typically when actors meet on projects, they receive their audition material a day or two before.  Of course, there are times when that amount of time can be shortened or lengthened, but on this particular

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  • Pan Seared Salmon with Spicy Mango & Avocado Salsa

    Inspired from a friend’s “healthy lunch” photo I  found on social media, I stumbled upon this creation almost accidentally.  At a recent trip to the market, I envisioned the photo, and grabbed the ingredients that I thought would work. 

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  • Fool-proof sautéed (stir-fry) vegetables

    Honestly, I wasn’t going to post this recipe. I was messing around on Instagram, and posted some video in my “story” of what I was cooking today, and just so happened to receive a

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    14 2729
  • …a brief encounter

    I tapped my horn ever so lightly and kindly gestured, “You can make a right on red.” The car in front of me had stopped, and with no pedestrians in the crosswalk, nor any approaching the crosswalk, and no oncoming…

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