Cooking ‘scope TODAY!

Oh YES!! Autumn is FINALLY among us!
And in celebration, of the ridiculously hot summer being over,  I am just all sorts of excited to get back in the kitchen and cook for you this afternoon.

So, “what’s on the menu?” you ask.   A hearty, healthy and most delicious dish that all of my friends can enjoy. Curious?
Are you a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? A vegetarian or vegan?  It doesn’t matter. I’ll be sharing modifications so that no one feels left out. 🙂

Follow me on PERISCOPE to receive an alert so you can tune in for the LIVE streaming event and message me during the broadcast.
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See you this weekend, friends!

Here’s the link for the RECIPE and VIDEO from the ‘scope.  In case you missed it.

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1 Comment

  1. This would of course mean that I would have to have periscope. Oh, that’s right. I signed up the last time. Okay, so, if I’m available during the time, I’ll check in, and say something on the order of, “Hello, Dina!!!”

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