Hey Guys!

Season Three of the SyFy Network’s fantasy hit series, “The Magicians” is scheduled to premiere Wednesday, January 10.

If you’ve been paying close attention, you already know that my episodes won’t be airing for a few weeks; but you’ll want to tune in as the cast and crew have been encouraged to LIVE tweet during the broadcast, which of course, only adds to the fun and excitement.
So keep your social media close, and your alerts ON!

Who knows, there may even be an impromptu Perisoping and/or LIVE Instagramming from the party in Hollywood between 8-11pm PST.  Would you like that?

Let me know by leaving a comment below, and we’ll see if we can make that happen for you.


See you soon!


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  1. Mary

    Won’t be able to stay up to watch live but would love a periscope to watch when I wake up x

  2. Dale Bizub

    Up ‘Periscope’ please!! Happy New Year

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